The Artist's Way

6 Tuesdays, May 28-July 2, 4-5:00pm
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Youth Room
420 Melrose Ave. Santa Cruz

"The Artist's Way" designed by Julia Cameron, is a workshop aimed at freeing our creativity. The weekly exercises are designed to create pathways into our consciousness through which our creative forces can operate. This class is about discovering buried dreams through exercises.

Some of those exercises include:

  • Morning pages: This is a daily journal exercise that helps let go of thoughts that clutter our minds to make way for creative energy. No one reads these, including yourself.

  • Artist date: This is a block of time weekly especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative artist. Think of it as a play date with yourself. Just you and your creative child.

  • Weekly meetings where we discuss the questions in each chapter and ways we are rediscovering our inner artist.

Discover your creative self!
This course is geared toward people who are feeling stuck in an area of their creative life or people wanting to expand their creativity into uncharted territory.

Textbook :"The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron is highly recommended - It is available on Amazon Prime.

Register here for Cindy Gorski’s 6-week workshop The Artist’s Way. Sign up to hold your spot - you can pay in advance or at the first session. Please let us know you are coming.

Questions? - Email or leave a message at (408) 357-0640


Or you can pay at the first session (cash, check or credit cards accepted)

Instructor Bio: Cindy Gorski
Actress, Singer, teacher. Cindy spent the last 40 years teaching theatre, directing and performing. Nominated for Educator of the Year in 2012-2013 for California League of High Schools. She has worked with ages 5-75 and loves igniting the creative process in each individual.